Goober baby care product .

Goober is a friendly robot who watches over your lovely child. Simply put the device in your child's socks and monitor him/her throughout the night. SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) takes the lives of many infants every year and Goober prevents that!. By monitoring infant’s vital signs (heart rate – blood oxygen level and body temperature) 24/7, this product listens for suspicious data and alerts the parents at the first sign of symptom and prevents the child’s death.

- Providing a fully automatic device for monitoring the baby's health and access to the doctor and family for accurate remote monitoring. 

- Very small dimensions and lightweight of this device make care much easier and more accurate. 

- Monitoring heart rate, blood oxygen and body temperature ambient temperature, amount of light, sound, humidity around the baby and the amount of sleep of the baby according to age based on the month of birth.  

 - Ability to identify heart, atrial and arrhythmia problems in the shortest possible time and announce it. 

- Using some kind of programming in the software of this device has caused the battery life to be multiplied.

 - The ability to report and observe all the vital signs of the baby from the beginning of the user's use.

- Keeping the history of all prescriptions and electronic copies issued by the doctor.

- Ability to grant monitoring access to all vital signs of the baby in the application to the family. 

- Ability to grant supervisory and care access, issuing prescriptions and prescribing drugs by the neonatal doctor in the panel of doctors.

- Ability to connect to smart home devices to fully control the amount of light, sound, temperature and humidity without parental intervention.

-The possibility of hearing the baby's voice on the smartphone .

The Last Word ...

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