BostonMSD user panel.

The BostonMSD app serves as the main receiver of all information and alarms issued by the device. BostonMSD app provides some options for your User comfort and his/her monitoring, to get informed about the sleeping condition, and in case environmental factors such as light, sound, temperature, humidity, etc. disturb the baby's comfort, you will be get noticed. At the same time it allows access to other family members and doctor among others. Boston medical and scientific devices, inc. Company currently has released this version in both English and French.

- User panel: In the user panel, the user is allowed to monitor all the vital and environmental signs of the newborn (heart rate, blood oxygen level, body temperature, sleep and activity level, ambient temperature, electronic version and medications). It is necessary to give access to the person. Access is granted in three ways. Phone number registration, sending link and QR Code. 

- Doctors Panel: The doctor’s panel allows neonatologist to have full control over all the vital signs of the newborn and to issue an electronic prescription or request the necessary tests by examining the history of these symptoms. In case of disturbance in vital signs, it receives an alarm and take the necessary measures to help the newborn. 

- Hospital panel : Hospital Panel can accommodate an unlimited number of patients hospitalized without the need for a wired network and outdated equipment. It is possible to give the necessary access to the hospital doctors so that the treating physician can monitor the real time from home and through his tablet. It can issue electronic copies and request the necessary tests and relevant sector can receive it.

The Last Word ...

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